Online Blackjack Practice. If you want to enjoy Blackjack, one of the most popular table games in the world, but don’t want to feel the pressure that comes with real money games; Or if you are just getting to know the game and want to practice blackjack in a real life environment, and learn the rules of the game, then you have come to the right place. In most blackjack games the player is in competition against the dealer alone. Whether or not there are other players at the table is irrelevant. Each player is in his own game with the dealer. However, multiplayer blackjack adds a new element to the game as players are. Players experience with their friends the magic of Blackjack Arena! The world's most popular casino game is now massively multiplayer. Players have the opportunity to get in the Blackjack Arena and play with the most masterful opponents, friends or family while.
Join the world’s most popular Blackjack Game and play live with real players!
Forget all you know about Blackjack and other multiplayer strategy games. Blackjack Legends is the most competitive and addicting strategy games anywhere! The adrenaline rush of beating live players from around the world while mastering your kills is simply unbeatable. Think you’re the King of Vegas? Join our arena of online Blackjack players and start your win streak today!
The basic strategy card chart gives you an edge against the casino dealer, but what about your online opponents? You better practice your 21 card counting strategy! If you want to be a pro and dominate the real tables in Las Vegas, this might be the trainer that turns you from an apprentice to a pro. It’s a fun Blackjack Royale!
Special Features
Play for Free – Hit it rich! Free chips every 4 hours plus all features are totally free.
Online Multiplayer Tournament – Compete with countless elite Blackjack players around the world. Is your strategy the best?
Unlock All 12 Locations – Level up to unlock high stakes tables from Las Vegas casinos to Rio. Play anywhere! Even while eating pizza at home!
Continuous Play – Start playing classic Blackjack on your phone, then continue playing on your tablet online against friends and enemies alike.
Blackjack Trainer – How good is your poker face? Is your strategy on point? Test your basic strategy. See if you have what it takes to conquer the Las Vegas strip plus prove you don’t need an apprenticeship.
Facebook Connect Bonus – Pad your bankroll with $15,000 additional chips when you connect your account to Facebook! You’re going to hit it rich at the tables!
How to Play
Blackjack Legends is a multiplayer classic Blackjack 21 game, where 3 competitors have 6 rounds to win the most chips. It’s that simple! Adapt your strategy to not just beat the dealer, but outplay the players online next to you in the casino as well. Card counting definitely helps you earn some real money! Just like in Poker, the game is all about strategy plus not being afraid of losing real money. This is the perfect trainer or apprenticeship for the real thing. You’ll be a shark and be earning cash fast!
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Want to be the king of Blackjack? Multiplayer is the best trainer for your basic strategy. You’ll be a pro 21 strategized in now time. It’s just takes a little practice in the simulator!
This free blackjack game is a great free source of entertainment where you can enjoy practicing and learning the game prior to opting for the real money blackjack version.

But youdon’t just have to play online multiplayer blackjack as a way to practice foryour real game, this is a great game to play at any time. The game is easy tolearn and easy to play at home or even on your mobile device.
Online Multiplayer Blackjack Table Layout
Getting toknow the layout of the multiplayer blackjack table is very important to yourunderstanding of how the game works, as well as your overall enjoyment of thegame.
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Up to fiveplayers can sit at the virtual table at a time, each with its own bettingsquare in which to place chips and receive their cards. At the bottom of thescreen is a series of chip sizes, ranging from the table minimum of 1, 5, 10,20 and 50 chip values.
Multiplayer Blackjack - Online Casino Game
A simpledeal button allows you to quickly and easily place your bet in yourcorresponding betting square. The blackjack dealer position is in the topcenter of the screen, and cards are dealt from a shoe located on the top rightof the screen.
The Objective of Blackjack
Online Multiplayer Blackjack Games
The objective of blackjack is quite simple to understand. Every player is playing against the blackjack dealer as individuals, and not against each other as one would in poker. The idea is to achieve a score of 21 or as close to this score as possible without going over (called a bust). The objective is also to beat the dealer, either by achieving blackjack, or making the dealer bust.
How to Play Free Online Multiplayer Blackjack
Playingonline multiplayer blackjack is easy and, even if you’ve never played blackjackbefore, simply follow these easy steps.

Step One: Taking a Seat
Simply click on one of the player squares on the button marked “Sit”. Create a quick username and get ready to place your first bet.
Step Two: Place your Bet
If you’re playing the game for free, you will see that the game has already allocated you a bankroll to play with displayed at the top right corner of the screen. Keep an eye on this number as it will fluctuate according to whether you win or lose your bets.
Next, decide how much you want to be bet by selecting the appropriate chip size at the bottom of your screen. Once selected, a new button will appear marked “Ready”. Click on this button to place your bet. You will notice a countdown window which gives you a time limit on placing your bet. If you haven’t placed your bet by the end of the countdown, your bet will be cancelled and you’ll have to start again.
Step Three: Playing Your Hand
Once you’veclicked on the ready button, the dealer will issue your first two cards to you.A new window will appear giving your three options:
- Hit = Receive another card
- Double = Double your bet and receiveanother card
- Stand = No additional cards areadded to your current hand

Play Multiplayer Blackjack online, free
Again, you will be given a countdown to make your decision in. This is where knowing a bit of basic blackjack strategy will come in handy as it allows you to make the best choice based on the dealers face up card.
A red sign would denote a five-dollar table and a green sign would tell you that the minimum bet is twenty-five dollars. Casino chip & gaming tokens collectors club price guide. All you have to do is note which color sign the casino you are visiting uses. By matching the color of the chips with the table signs it makes it easy to tell the minimum bet for a table with just a quick glance. This makes it convenient for the players. There are some tables that have minimums that don't correspond to chip colors such as $10 and $15 games.
Free Online Multiplayer Blackjack
Step Four: Additional Betting options
Dependingon what your first two cards are, the dealer will offer you additional bettingoptions. This includes:
- Split = If your first two cards areof the same value, such as two 8’s or two Ace cards and so on. You can thensplit your hand into two separate bets, each with an equivalent stake. Thedealer will then play each hand separately, asking you to make choices for eachbased on the standard betting options.
- Insurance = Sometimes the dealerwill ask if you want to take insurance on certain hands, usually when thedealer’s face up card is an Ace card. Insurance will pay you back half yourstake on a losing bet.