Driving distance from Upland, CA to San Bernardino, CA
.Thunder Valley Casino does not charge for text messages. However, standard and other charges may apply from your wireless provider. I certify that I am 21 years of age or older; and I understand that a valid state or federal issued I.D. Is required to obtain my Thunder Rewards Card. Thank you for the helpful information. I will be in Ontario next week on business and my son & his partner are coming to stay with me (they are driving down from San Francisco).They also wanted to know the easiest beach to get to. They are going into LA one day and wanted to go to the beach another.
The total driving distance from Upland, CA to San Bernardino, CA is 26 miles or 42 kilometers.
Your trip begins in Upland, California. It ends in San Bernardino, California.
If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Upland, CA to San Bernardino, CAso you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.
You can also calculate the cost of driving from Upland, CA to San Bernardino, CA based on currentlocal fuel prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.
If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between Upland, CA and San Bernardino, CA.
Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be moreinterested in calculating the straight linedistance to fly from Upland, CA to San Bernardino, CA.
Upland, California
Country:United States
Category: cities
Closest Casino To Upland California Map
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San Bernardino, California
City:San BernardinoState:California
Country:United States
Category: cities
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Travelmath helps you find driving distances based onactual directions for your road trip. You can get thedistance between cities, airports, states, countries,or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to yourdestination. Combine this information with the fuel costtool to find out how much it will cost you to drive thedistance, or compare the results to the straight linedistance to determine whether it's better to drive or fly.You can print out pages with a travel map.
Chino is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States. It is located in the western end of the Riverside-San Bernardino Area and it is easily accessible via the Chino Valley (71) and Pomona (60) freeways.
Chino is bounded by Chino Hills to the west, unincorporated San Bernardino County (near Montclair) to the north, Ontario to the northeast, unincorporated San Bernardino County to the southeast, and unincorporated Riverside County to the south. The population was 77,983 at the 2010 census, up from 67,168 at the 2000 census.
Chino and its surroundings have long been a center of agriculture and dairy farming, serving the considerable demands for milk products in Southern California and much of the southwestern United States. Chino’s rich agricultural history dates back to the Spanish land grant forming Rancho Santa Ana del Chino. The area specialized in orchard, row crops and dairy. Downtown Chino is home to satellite branches of the San Bernardino County Library and Chaffey Community College, the Chino Community Theatre, the Chino Boxing Club and a weekly Farmer's Market. In 2008 the City of Chino was awarded the prestigious '100 Best Communities for Youth' award for the second time in three years. Chino hosted shooting events for the 1984 Summer Olympics at the Prado Olympic Shooting Park in the Prado Regional Park. Two California state prisons for adults (California Institution for Men and California Institution for Women), as well as the Heman G. Stark Youth Correctional Facility, lie within the city limits.